How to Use Journaling to Enhance Creativity 
The Unspoken Benefits Journaling has on Imaginative Writing


Navigation: The Purpose of This Article

: What is Imaginative Writing 

: How to write and ignite your imagination

: Imaginative writers and their importance today

: Ideas for Imaginative Writing

: Is Journaling good for Creativity?




The purpose of this article is to provide an in-depth look at imaginative writing, including its definition, key elements, cultural significance and how to get started with writing . This article aims to cover all the important aspects of this exciting and rewarding genre in relation to journaling.



What is Imaginative Writing? An Explanation

Imaginative or creative writing is a form of writing that allows writers to use their imagination to create fictional worlds, characters, and events. It is a genre that gives writers the freedom to create their own realities and explore new and exciting possibilities. Whether it be through poetry, fiction, or even non-fiction, imaginative writers can  express themselves creatively and bring their unique perspectives to life.


Differences between the Creative and Other Forms of Writing

While all forms of writing have their own unique qualities and purposes, imaginative writing stands out from other forms of writing by its focus on imagination and creativity. Other forms of writing, such as technical writing, focus on conveying information in a clear and concise manner. By contrast creative writing focuses on (as the name suggests) creating new and exciting worlds, characters, and events. By embracing their imagination, imaginative writers are able to create works that are unique, captivating, and truly their own.


How to Write and Ignite your Imagination 

The Creative Process

To get started with this Creative writing, a writer must first allow their imagination to run wild and come up with new and exciting ideas. A creative Journal is the perfect place for you to brainstorm these ideas. Once the ideas are in place, the writer can begin to build upon them, creating characters, settings, and plots that bring their imagination to life. It’s important for the writer to be open to new ideas and to continually let their imagination guide their writing


5 Tips for Getting Started with Imaginative Writing

  1. Practice writing regularly: The more you write, the better you will become. Set aside time each day or each week to write and let your imagination run wild.
  2. Keep a journal: Use a journal to jot down ideas, thoughts, and experiences that you can later draw upon for inspiration.
  3. Read widely: Reading the works of other writers can provide inspiration and help you develop your own writing style.
  4. Use imaginative writing prompts: can help spark new ideas and get your creativity flowing.
  5. Join a writing group: Joining a writing group can help you get feedback on your work and connect with other writers. This can be as simple as a online forum – but simply being a community will get your far. You will be open to new perspectives and expand your mind.




Imaginative Writers and their importance today

Examples of Imaginative writing coming to life: 

The Codex Leicester, later renamed the Codex Hammer, was one of da Vinci’s many scientific journals. Simply from the journal , being able to expose us to his mind , has it generated exceptional value. More specifically $30,802,500  to the likes of the auctioneer who bought it in 1994.


It is through Da Vinci’s illustrations that brought the imagined conceptions to life

Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else” – Leonardo Da Vinci

Oscar Wilde established himself as a leading proponent of the aesthetic movement. As one of the most popular poets of his time and still to this day. His creativity emphasized the pursuit of beauty for its own sake, rather than to promote any political or social viewpoint.


Oscar Wildes Journaling Diary on display
Now selling for $50,000 it shows how valuable a simple diary or journal can be

“I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.” – Oscar Wilde


The power of Imaginative Writers:  The power of journaling

Why am I bringing these people up? To prove that ideas for imaginative writing is the gap between the mind and creation. It is the single most practical tool for visualising and communicating our thoughts to ourselves and (if open to it) others.


To Sum Up : As humans we are forgetful

There are multiple studies suggest the average human being has  1000’s of thoughts a day  , with 95% of them are the same as the day before. Journaling can help identity not only these existing thought patterns but bring out the  other hopeful 5% .You can act beyond the historical patterns that us people tend to operate in – that is the definition being creative.

A 2020 Study suggests this scales to 10’s of thousands if we include our subconscious thinking. But to track this sort of pattern and autonomous habits is more of a Reflective Diary approach – so I wont discuss that here.

There is a Unlimited amount of power in the human mind but it needs direction. Any journal is able to translate and allow this incredible feat to progress. It can serve as a 2nd brain if practiced correctly and make our once forgettable thoughts into timeless masterpieces.




Ideas for Imaginative writing:

An Explanation of imaginative writing prompts

Imaginative writing prompts are suggestions or ideas designed to spark creativity and inspire writers to start writing. These prompts can be a single word, a phrase, a sentence, or a complete scene that serves as a starting point for writers to build upon.


5 Examples of imaginative writing prompts

  1. “Write a story about a time traveller who goes back in time and meets their younger self.”
  2. “Describe a world where everyone can fly.”
  3. “Write a story about a character who discovers a hidden door in their house.”
  4. “Write a story about a character who can communicate with animals.”
  5. “Write a story about a character who can control the weather.”


Ideas for imaginative writers to find inspiration

  1. Read a variety of books, stories, and poems
  2. Travel to different places
  3. Observe people and their actions
  4. Get lost in daydreams
  5. Try new things


5 Quick Tips for coming up with ideas for creative writing stories

1. Start with a spark of inspiration.

make yourself bored and have your daily time away from a screen or any stimulation. Thoughts tend to drift to the most unexplored places when we do this. As said best by Austin Kleon “A little self imposed solitude goes a long way” .This applies especially to creative work like imaginative writing


2. Write down your ideas as soon as they come to you.

Do this, no matter how outlandish they seem. This is why its important to always note take. Whether that be on a note pad , a pocket journal or phone. A place to write your ideas , thoughts and plans should always be in reach before it fades away. Imaginative writing is ultimate a accumulation of these ideas which are eventually reused , reassembled and  restructured into something compelling.


3. Build upon your ideas, adding details and depth.

Creative Work is the one exception where procrastination can actually be beneficial. But only if you build upon your ideas or thoughts while procrastinating .


4. Get feedback from others.

A closed mind is one isolated from potential. A open-mind is welcome to growth , whether that be from new perspectives , stances or ways of doing things you could have neve imaged. Keep a open mind , you are always learning. In psychology this is known as the Dunning Kruger effect , those who seem themselves as smart and know everything – really no little to nothing.


5. Trust your instincts and let your imagination run wild.

Dont let a negative self-esteem  or arbitrary boundaries and rules ruin your creative work flow. Write without  fear , write without judgment and sparks will eventually appear. Use a Journaling as a tool to achieve this.



Key Takeaway :

Can Journaling Activate Creativity and Spark Imagination?

All creative geniuses of human history are seemingly accompanied by a journal. Journaling is an excellent way to tap into your creativity and enhance your creative abilities. By regularly recording your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, you create a space for self-reflection and exploration. This can help you to identify patterns, overcome creative blocks, and generate new ideas. Additionally, journaling provides an outlet for self-expression, allowing you to freely express yourself without fear of judgment.

So in short , the answer seems to be a Yes – see for yourself!


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